sdttds: IMG_1648_Wet flower
sdttds: IMAG2237
sdttds: IMG_1546
sdttds: IMAG2142_Yolo County petrified wood
sdttds: IMAG2128_Botryoidal agate/chalcedony
sdttds: IMAG2121_Wabi-sabi ink cap
sdttds: IMAG2049_A trio of boletes
sdttds: IMG_1375_Some sort of urban bolete
sdttds: IMAG2035_Acorns with unusual cups
sdttds: IMAG2014_Dew on a funnel spider's web
sdttds: IMG_1267_Stamen with pollen
sdttds: IMG_1251_Close-up of flower petal
sdttds: IMG_1235_Salvia blossom
sdttds: IMG_1186_Mushroom
sdttds: IMG_1166_Ornamental grass with dew
sdttds: IMAG1815_Getting perspective
sdttds: IMAG1745
sdttds: IMG_0934_Mantis face in HDR
sdttds: IMAG1683_Shedding the membrane
sdttds: IMG_0910
sdttds: IMG_0909
sdttds: IMAG1432
sdttds: IMAG1417_Mushroom gills
sdttds: IMAG1301_Angel's trumpet seed pod
sdttds: IMAG1185_Multi-colored maple seeds
sdttds: IMAG1172_Magnolia seed
sdttds: IMAG1074
sdttds: IMAG1070_Redwood litter and moss
sdttds: IMAG1026_Turkish oak acorn
sdttds: IMAG1016_Turkish oak acorn