Sherry♥: Sassafras guitar
tinytilemosaics (Sally): Ode to a Few of My Favorite Things
tinytilemosaics (Sally): Ode to a Few of My Favorite Things
CWCampbell: Skye's mandolin
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: 1st layer of concrete applied!
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Chair - WIP 5
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Circular pendants
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: mandolin - side & back
Leap of Faith Glass: mosaic mandolin
icmosaics: wide_column_1
artandartifacts: Table grouted -side
StJohnsGypsy: Another snot box!
elisabetpapad: update 069
sucra88: Barr Crutcher Staircase
Lin Schorr: La Cajita Roja
icmosaics: tree_of_life_panel_kaiser
Helen Nock ( Seed garden sculpture 2011
Debra Sutton Art (Debra Sutton): adding a mosaic inlay WIP
Helen Nock ( 'Spa' bespoke bird bath 2011
Debra Sutton Art (Debra Sutton): WIP Birdbath in cement
Lin Schorr: 'Redilicious' Artist Banu Cevikel
yb_2_normal: Broken Faith
Sherry♥: Melange'
Anja Berkers - mosaics and mixed media art: Mr Funnyburd_mixed media sculpture
Anja Berkers - mosaics and mixed media art: WIP rainbow smalti mirror 01