mixedgems: Even in dark times, there is still hope. It all depends on what you choose to embrace.
mixedgems: “What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Magician's Nephew #my_view #projectlife365 38/365
mixedgems: "We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box." - Robert Fulghum Saving up the broken bits to make new crayons. T
mixedgems: "There are few things more pleasing than the contemplation of order and useful arrangement." - Arthur Phillip #arrangement #projectlife365 36/365
mixedgems: Pop! 31/31
mixedgems: 30/31 Self-Portrait...tired #decpics
mixedgems: Something for the weekend...in Celsius. HOT, HOT, HOT! 30/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 29/31 Light #decpics
mixedgems: Peace 'n quiet...in lush green gardens by the river 29/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 28/31 Night time...street lamp illumination #decpics
mixedgems: Well, well if it ain't....."sign language" it's "sein language" 28/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 27/31 Daily routine #decpics
mixedgems: Eyes...peekaboo Elmo 27/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: Family...storm watching together 26/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 26/31 Transportation...trains and automobiles #decpics
mixedgems: 25/31 Artwork #decpics
mixedgems: First born...me 25/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 24/31 Gratitude...for plenty #decpics
mixedgems: Tree 24/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 23/31 In my closet #decpics
mixedgems: Drives me crazy....clutter 23/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 22/31 Speed #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 22/31 Clothing....packing for the trip #decpics
mixedgems: 21/31 Where I sleep #decpics
mixedgems: Celebrations...on the side of a bus 21/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: Something blue 20/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 20/31 Seasonal #decpics
mixedgems: Balls 19/31 #dec2011flickr
mixedgems: 19/31 Best friends #decpics
mixedgems: Race...to the finish 18/31 #dec2011flickr