photopeter159: Olympus E-5 with Olympus OM bellow system and slide duplicating attachment
photopeter159: 35mm film sandwich
photopeter159: 35 mm sandwich (lip tree)
photopeter159: 35 mm sandwich
photopeter159: Early Morning
photopeter159: school bus sandwich project, copy on Orthographic film from color slide
photopeter159: school bus sandwich project (bleached flower pot)
photopeter159: school bus in hay field
photopeter159: school bus sandwich project (cloudy sunset)
photopeter159: fun with film
photopeter159: school bus sandwich project (hinged door)
photopeter159: schoolbus abstract
photopeter159: funky schoolbus
photopeter159: cecropia moth
photopeter159: the sign
photopeter159: masked Venice sandwich
photopeter159: Venice rocket
photopeter159: in Venice
photopeter159: cyan gondola
photopeter159: wall art
photopeter159: masked man
photopeter159: masked alpine sandwich, Feldkopf mountain
photopeter159: seen in Goslar
photopeter159: At the Hi Tops restaurant, Peterborough, 1990's
photopeter159: wall painting near the old post office, Peterborough, Ontario
photopeter159: wall painting in Peterborough, 1990's