astroccdman: The Pavo globular cluster
astroccdman: A colorful Planetary nebula
astroccdman: A globular cluster and two planetaries
astroccdman: The globular cluster NGC4372
astroccdman: Colourful nebulae in the vicinity of NGC 602
astroccdman: The NGC 346 region in the Small Magellanic Cloud
astroccdman: The Running Chicken Nebula in Hubble palette
astroccdman: ngc6868_RC14_STXL11002
astroccdman: The NGC 6188 area
astroccdman: rcw98 - The Coffee bean nebula
astroccdman: ic5146_maknewt_HaRGB
astroccdman: N70_6303_RGO
astroccdman: ic4628_ngc6231_mosaic_RGO
astroccdman: The globular cluster UKS1 with its newly discovered fainter companion VVV GCL001
astroccdman: The Bug nebula (NGC 6302)
astroccdman: Planetary Nebula Shapley 1
astroccdman: The Circinus Galaxy
astroccdman: ngc1566 - The "Spanish Dancer" Galaxy
astroccdman: A collection of reasonably obscure planetary nebulae
astroccdman: Longmore 5 in Centaurus
astroccdman: The Planetary nebula IC5148/50
astroccdman: The Tarantula nebula in narrowband colour
astroccdman: NGC 346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
astroccdman: IC 4499 - the most southerly galactic globular
astroccdman: NGC 5128 (AKA Centaurus A)
astroccdman: ngc3293_STL11K_RC_LRGB
astroccdman: ngc4833 in Musca
astroccdman: m8_STL11K_RC_nb
astroccdman: ngc1935_STL11K_HaRGB_APY
astroccdman: ngc6362_STL11K_LRGB_APY