Stephanie Finol: Low volume charm swap fabrics
Stephanie Finol: Figured out a quilt pattern of an old vintage quilt that I saw in Pinterest!
Stephanie Finol: There is going to be one happy Katniss obsessed little girl this Christmas! #katnisscowl
Stephanie Finol: This has to be one of the coolest hats I've made yet! #christmasknitting #barryhat #leethalknits @mo22dixie
Stephanie Finol: One Aqua Christmas pillow for @debbiepoloway coming right up...still love those little polar bears!
Stephanie Finol: Ready for the big chill...or at least some cold soccer games! #cowl #cobblestonecowl #chunkyyarn #knitagram
Stephanie Finol: Quilted and bound! #finishit2013
Stephanie Finol: @gotthebutton A few rows into the stranding! So far so good! #knitagram #intarsia #stranded
Stephanie Finol: Few more blocks done! #shelbournefalls #churndash
Stephanie Finol: Happy mail day!!! There are a few hats, a few pairs of #boottoppers, and a cowl that I am pattern testing hiding in this yarn!
Stephanie Finol: Punkin' carving! #trickortreatmovedtotomorrow
Stephanie Finol: Sqeeeeezed in a few more blocks before I had to get the littles. #churndash #shelbournefalls
Stephanie Finol: Some spooktacular soccer!
Stephanie Finol: New boots and toppers! #giddyup #carpoollineantics #bootsntoppers
Stephanie Finol: So this just freakin' happened!!!! @dustinedison is the ! Now I have even more reason to finish those 6 quilt tops up in my sewing room
Stephanie Finol: The Cutest little moth in the world belongs to me ! #secondgrade #gettinbuggy
Stephanie Finol: And now we wait for the fabric fairies to bring more fabric for the top and bottom borders! #modernmaples
Stephanie Finol: thinks I need these in every color! #boottoppers #handknit #bootcandypattern #ravelry
Stephanie Finol: @andreacano Look what I am making!! #boottoppers #cables #handknit
Stephanie Finol: This one too! $35 shipped...leave email and I will invoice you. #nofilter wheat color
Stephanie Finol: Selling this hat $35 shipped... send me your email and I will send you an invoice through paypal!
Stephanie Finol: Love finding little handmades that I forgot I made! Dragging it back out!
Stephanie Finol: A little pancake action this morning...this Is Sadie's way of begging she just gets real close then looks as pitiful as possible so you will drop her some...
Stephanie Finol: I need to grow this because my blocks are smaller. What do you think of these borders? #modernmaples
Stephanie Finol: Oops! Made this hat just a few rows to short, so it became this!
Stephanie Finol: Phew! Tough pattern but I got through it. Still have to add buttons! #barryhat #ravelry #shortrows #fallknitting #handknit #hothead