floppy555: Lillies stone
floppy555: Gravestone
floppy555: Statue w/anchor
floppy555: Statue w/anchor
floppy555: Yellow leaves and graves
floppy555: yellow leaves
floppy555: Hydrangea and graves
floppy555: Statue w/wreath and cross
floppy555: Orange leaves and graves
floppy555: Girl w/ flowers
floppy555: IMG_0166
floppy555: IMG_0165
floppy555: IMG_0164
floppy555: IMG_0163
floppy555: IMG_0162
floppy555: IMG_0167
floppy555: IMG_0124
floppy555: IMG_0108
floppy555: IMG_0102
floppy555: IMG_0101
floppy555: IMG_0100
floppy555: IMG_0098
floppy555: IMG_0097
floppy555: Windpower
floppy555: Newport mansion
floppy555: Purgatory Chasm
floppy555: Purgatory Chasm Newport II
floppy555: St. George's I
floppy555: St. George door
floppy555: St. George's chapel II