ejwines2: My father’s 75th birthday
ejwines2: Patiently counting down the final 8 minutes until doggie dinner. #darwinthedachshund
ejwines2: Sunday morning dachshund
ejwines2: Darwin the #dachshund getting his game face for tomorrow night against Minnesota
ejwines2: Darwin's Tree (aka, I ran out of lights)
ejwines2: Poolside perks of being HR for the sales organization
ejwines2: Goodbye, Denver...
ejwines2: Bye, Philly -- it's been fun!
ejwines2: A good day for the #dachshund umbrella
ejwines2: The last day of vacation calls for an impressive cocktail...
ejwines2: upload
ejwines2: upload
ejwines2: First team dinner with new client group. #swanky
ejwines2: You won't find crispy pork belly & port-braised onions on the menu at the Marriott...
ejwines2: First tailgate of the season
ejwines2: Awesome tunes & gorgeous weather #bostoncalling
ejwines2: Plan for the long weekend -- drink wine & finish half-read books.
ejwines2: 12th year of KB's Clam Bake -- The Dirty Dozen
ejwines2: 12th year of KB's Clam Bake -- The Dirt Dozen
ejwines2: I see you...
ejwines2: Getting ready for our first Dim Sum experience.
ejwines2: First home-cooked meal al fresco: grilled chicken with scallion shortcakes, tomato salad & whipped goat cheese. #WFIH
ejwines2: Here's where you can find us for the foreseeable future...
ejwines2: Rainbow over Shining Rock
ejwines2: Do you Aviate?
ejwines2: Checking out possible places for brunch tomorrow.
ejwines2: Breakfast at The Black Duck
ejwines2: After a wet ride & an even wetter walk, our 4-day weekend in Newport begins...now!
ejwines2: Matched Set
ejwines2: Salt Slant -- still the best skill I leaned in college.