Cristina Viscu: against the fake sun
Helaine37: A cherry hello
Ken Yuel Photography: Shallow.....
geewillikersjett: week two.
Paul Grand: cow redo with spring painterly flypaper textures
Helaine37: "Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring? " -- Neltje Blanchan
Paul Grand: À la recherche du temps perdu
rosiehardy: Chelsea Fitzpatrick
Paul Grand: Spring cleaners
stephaniepana: j e n + t j
DocUNC: Yellow Swarm
DocUNC: Caleb
DocUNC: Soccer Flare
DocUNC: The Cutest Soccer Player Ever
Paul Grand: English cloudscape
fedetrut: untitled
Coffee_Break: Little Indian girl
Helaine37: Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise! ~Wallace Stevens
Vijay..: Street View..
FarCorner: Melody Creator
Light Orchard: gas pump detail 3
k.a. gilbert: _MG_8087-19
wbrook13: Lazy River 10306066
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): New Orleans Portrait