Steve Asbell: If you could plant one thing for a tropical look, what would it be? For sheer impact, my vote goes to this Alocasia odora that I've been growing for four years. Its huge leaves are starting to surpass my own height (which isn't saying much) and the sprin
Steve Asbell: I can't put my finger on any reason in particular, but 'Red Flash' is my favorite caladium. Maybe it's those polka dots.
Steve Asbell: It might not look like much now, but I've just added a durable planting of Aechmea cylindrata, firebush and Liriope to this border of Simpson stopper. It sure beats the weeds that were growing there just last week!
Steve Asbell: This is what happens when you plant sunflowers too close to a lemon tree.
Steve Asbell: I still don't know the identities of these bromeliads but I'm sure there's some Vriesea sucrei in there. In any case, they're putting on quite the show!
Steve Asbell: This lady palm has been following me around from garden to garden over the last several years, and I'm happy to say that she and her sisters have finally found a home.
Steve Asbell: The peachy coral hues of this 'Easy Does It' rose were chosen to complement the seating. It's my favorite rose yet, but then again this is only the third one I've tried.
Steve Asbell: I just found a baby gecko in the house! Luckily I learned a lot about catching lizards as a kid and promptly brought it back outside.
Steve Asbell: Here you can see one of my prized crabgrass specimens in bloom amongst caladiums, bromeliads and coontie. I have a lot of crabgrass specimens.
Steve Asbell: It's amazing what a little edging, trimming and weed-pulling will do to make your garden look the way you had imagined all along. Now I just need to fill the remaining gaps with plants!
Steve Asbell: I think I can finally give my Schefflera bonsai another trim. It should be putting out some new aerial roots soon too!
Steve Asbell: I rearranged a backyard vignette earlier this week, but haven't yet turned on the water feature because I know my toddler will freak out. I mean, he'll be shouting and pointing out the window 24/7.
Steve Asbell: This Epiphyllum pumilum in my garden always surprises me with its sporadic and delicate blooms.
Steve Asbell: I love how lemongrass looks when covered in morning dew.
Steve Asbell: The unfinished rain garden absorbed and drained what was practically a pond overnight! It's good to know that it works.
Steve Asbell: I still have more work to do, but the rain garden and dry creek bed worked like a charm in a storm that gave us 2.5 inches of rain!
Steve Asbell: Though I've never really cared for sunflowers, my mother adored them. So in her memory, I planted some from seed not long ago and now I too adore sunflowers.
Steve Asbell: He wasn't really all that interested until the butterfly flew away and landed right on my head. That got a giggle.
Steve Asbell: I found this monarch butterfly resting in a terra-cotta pot of succulents. Nice color combo, huh?
Steve Asbell: This yellow shrimp plant in my garden is making me hungry.
Steve Asbell: When I first purchased Curcuma longa 'Snowdrift'; the plant languished with burnt foliage and glacially slow growth. Now that this variegated turmeric has had a chance to settle in, however, I'm sold on its value in my garden. It makes a nice companion to
Steve Asbell: I'm finally getting around to planting the 'marsh' of Carex 'Everillo' in my backyard! This is going to look really cool once I add some plantings of Nandina 'Lemon-Lime', Mahonia 'Soft Caress' and Agapanthus 'Little Blue Fountain'.
Steve Asbell: This Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet' looks particularly striking in contrast to my newly installed dry creek run.
Steve Asbell: My garden, almost two years ago.
Steve Asbell: This is how my backyard looked a year and a half ago.
Steve Asbell: What a difference rocks can make in a dry creek bed. I wasn't going to use them since stones are not naturally found in this part of Florida, but now my son can play in the stream without getting muddy. Plus, there will be less weeds!
Steve Asbell: The second best part of getting a good rain? Rain lilies, of course!
Steve Asbell: Just picked some eggplants and yard long beans from the garden!
Steve Asbell: These giant swallowtails have been frequenting my garden lately and seem oblivious to my toddler and I, who get to hold our noses up to the slight puffs of wind from their fluttering wings. Shared moments like these are just magical.
Steve Asbell: This new and unreleased Verbena bonariensis 'Meteor Shower' from Proven Winners gets my seal of approval. Look for it in garden centers next year!