Curt Deatherage: A peek ...
Curt Deatherage: Swirling ...
KristianSven: Cougar Kill
curtisirish: Forest Fire
DennisDavenportPhotography: Home on the Range
curtisirish: Devils Lk
Darryl Herndon: The road to Bow Lake
Garebear400: Scratch!
Darryl Herndon: Busy Bee
Darryl Herndon: Pollenator at work
Garebear400: Perturbed (2 shots)
DennisDavenportPhotography: Hummers at the Feeder - 3 shots
Eric.Vogt: Bee Macro
Eric.Vogt: 20100410DawsonCreekPark_1462_Flickr
Wily Fawlet: Teasel Close
Darryl Herndon: Time for a cleaning
Curt Deatherage: Looks kinda like ...
Jason Idzerda: Northern Saw-Whet Owl Back
GeordieClio: Owl-flying-towards-me
cam phone guy: IMG_0010- Dragonfly
Eyes of the Muse: fence lines
Eyes of the Muse: meandering
Garebear400: Cedar Waxwing
Eyes of the Muse: faery feathers
Jerry Ting: Tree Swallows
Curt Deatherage: A night view of the Portland, Oregon skyline
DennisDavenportPhotography: Sparrow on Green Canvas
DennisDavenportPhotography: McFrog for Lunch (12-shot Series)