Pickersgill Reef: Climbing at Peak Scar with Adam and Paul
Pickersgill Reef: Adam climbing April Crack
Pickersgill Reef: Waiting for a bus
Pickersgill Reef: Adam on the first stance pinacle of Fisher's Folly on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam seconding Fisher's Folly on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam climbing the hard wall variation on Donkey's Ears on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam on our version of Cygneture Tune (lower off from Ugly Duckling)
Pickersgill Reef: Mark climbing the last pitch of Little Chamonix on Shepherds Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam on the first stance pincacle of Fisher's Folly on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam on the first stance of Fisher's Folly on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam climbing Fisher's Folly on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Mark on the last pitch of Little Chamonix
Pickersgill Reef: Adam climbing the traverse on Fisher's Folly on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam abseiling down Chamonix on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam abseiling back down Chamonix on Shepherd's Crag in Borrowdale
Pickersgill Reef: Adam near the bottom of the abseil off Chamonix on Shepherd's Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Adam abseiling down Chamonix
Pickersgill Reef: Adam climbing Airlift at Raven's Scar
Scuola di Atene: Hayeswater Tarn
Pickersgill Reef: Brimham Rocks
Pickersgill Reef: Wainstones Face-down Tuesday
Pickersgill Reef: Adam at the top after leading Sphinx Nose Traverse
Surfchild.: 146/365. Pee'd off. (57/115; 47/100; 75/215)
Pickersgill Reef: Red v blue HFDT
Pickersgill Reef: Reloading FDT
Pickersgill Reef: Rock Antics Christmas opening
Pickersgill Reef: Slipstones selfie
Pickersgill Reef: Peel Crag