INTPix: And this blue orb thingy, which I think was created by the artist who (for reasons I don't understand) got first/only(?) dibs on making stuff with that uber black pigment some scientists invented a while back.
INTPix: IMG_6440
INTPix: Just some local color. I like aqua shades.
INTPix: We're now into the section of the album that I might categorize as "daily life." (So basically, shit that doesn't fit into any of the more specific categories.)
INTPix: Brooklyn waterfronts revisited - the one at the end of Greenpoint Ave. There was a time when the only accessible river view in these parts was a rocky, trash-strewn inlet near the Williamsburg Bridge where I'd often drag friends after the bars closed.
INTPix: Another from Penn's important 20th century writers and their cigarettes series - Carson Mccullers. I may have to take up smoking again, just in the hopes of someday looking this cool.
INTPix: Irving Penn's portrait of Truman Capote with a bunch of people reflected in it. There's really nothing worse than a photo of photo taken at a crowded museum. You're welcome.
INTPix: At the Met, working on my pre-contrapposto era posing. (And eff you Flickr algorithms for not knowing how to spell "contrapposto." Why did I even bother going to art school?)
INTPix: The Brooklyn Bridge. Walking across this thing is a total tourist move, which is why I didn't do it until May 2017. I did, however, walk across the Williamsburg Bridge 3 times during my tenure in NY. Once just for kicks and twice due to major disasters*.
INTPix: Whatever this building with the bunnies on it is down the street from my friend Richard's apartment.
INTPix: The Dakota. Or, if you prefer, "The Bramford."
INTPix: Thomas experiences a New York pretzel for the first time. See how it's already making him more jaded and suspicious of the intentions of everyone around him? They're transformative that way.
INTPix: The whale at the American Museum of Natural History, not easy to fit into a photograph. Btw, I should probably mention that this album is cobbled together from three separate trips to NY made over the last couple years.
INTPix: PSA: According to this photo collection, the time it takes to grow out bangs is roughly one year and three months. So think it over before you commit to that hairstyle.
INTPix: The AMNH subway stop, where reptiles will totally steal your backpack if you're not careful.
INTPix: Jefferson Market Library, where I used to check out books and VHS tapes.
INTPix: Brooklyn bodega cat guarding the goldfish. This is such a common sight to locals that my bothering to take a photo elicited laughter from the guy at the register.
INTPix: Central Park. To those Austinites who might say, "Gross, I would never lay on the grass in a filthy New York park!" I have three words for you: NO FIRE ANTS.
INTPix: Restroom constraints resulting from landmark architecture.
INTPix: Inside the Guggenheim, "a landmark work of 20th-century architecture" (I don't disagree, I just want to properly credit Wikipedia) designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
INTPix: A cat with a view. I honestly can't tell/recall if we're looking at lower Manhattan here or just more Jersey. (Patrick? Where the hell are we?)
INTPix: Some cool industrial looking thing. It's like the Jersey equivalent of a Manhattan Art Deco building.
INTPix: The bar where I would spend all my time, were I a Jersey City homeowner.
INTPix: The inevitable trip to Jersey City, where friends who want to do crazy shit like own homes now live.
INTPix: The Kubrick-esque hallway of the apartment. It's also a 6th-floor walk-up. Somehow these are all perks in my mind. Did I mention I miss this city?
INTPix: At ICP's newish Bowery location. The main exhibit was Cartier-Bresson, but I can only photograph so many photos.
INTPix: Richard's apartment, where I stayed during my most recent journey. 5 stars! Ideally located and way better wall art than AirBnb.
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INTPix: IMG_E3988
INTPix: I usually book aisle seats so I can more easily make a break for it if my plane plummets into the ocean. But I accidentally chose a window seat for the most recent return trip and have decided the view is superior to the possibility of surviving a crash.