Bettinaling: Bless the trees and the light 🙏
Bettinaling: Happy Advent ❤
cathy cullis: Embroidery portrait
cathy cullis: Memories of a garden
cathy cullis: Tiny painting
cathy cullis: Summer landscape (lucky dip)
cathy cullis: Tiny paintings
cathy cullis: Tiny paintings
cathy cullis: Tiny paintings
cathy cullis: Embroidery work in progress
cathy cullis: Favourite season - portrait of a woman in autumn
Bettinaling: Old tree in the park
Bettinaling: A face watching from the sky.
Bettinaling: The light is going... last feast of the day.
Bettinaling: So beautiful :) My friend's garden is full of roses and other delights.
cathy cullis: Daily drawing 1/7/24
Bettinaling: Rain fell most of the night and we found fallen petals on the windowsill this morning.
cathy cullis: Daily drawing 2/7/24
cathy cullis: Daily drawing 3/7/24
Bettinaling: The fill in flowers, they too will have their day :)
Bettinaling: When the bloom (moon) is over the smallest stars will appear :)
cathy cullis: Daily drawing 4/7/24
cathy cullis: Daily drawing 5/7/24
bgmills: UpInTheHighlands
Bettinaling: Happy Easter :)
Bettinaling: For Shelley ❤
Bettinaling: A nod to my late dad on Easter Sunday