WanaM3: Bayou ambiance
Bonnie Ott: Bryan's Bolas
WanaM3: You're using the wrong f-stop canoe boy
Aliparis: Killdeer
WanaM3: The spoonbill checks out that pesky photographer
Roger Wasley: Berthelot's pipit - Anthus berthelotii
Phil's Pixels: An Olympic Sunset
Brody J: Back From Winter Vacation~ Female Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius)
Janice Neitzel: RB Woodpecker.
webersaustin: Eared Grebe, Podiceps nigricollis
webersaustin: Juniper Hairstreak, Callophrys gryneus
webersaustin: Pine Siskin on Texas Redbud
webersaustin: Red Columbine, Aquilegia canadensis
Brody J: The Sweetheart of the Soccer Field~ Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus obscurus)
Brody J: I Spent National Bird Day With Friends~ Brown-headed Nuthatch (Sitta pusilla)
WanaM3: Snow White and Snow White and Snow....you get the picture
Phil's Pixels: Pyramid Lake Island
neonflamingos: Spatterdock
neonflamingos: Blue Flag Iris
neonflamingos: Dandelion
georgiassims: Monarch
neonflamingos: Bald Eagle
georgiassims: Blue-headed Vireo
neonflamingos: Saint Andrews Chapel
scenesaver: The chapel at Hidden Lake Barn & Chapel, Silverhill.
scenesaver: Bohemian Farms LLC, private property. The original farmhouse with German smear technique on Clay City tile dating back to the early 1900's.
crawfordjohnb: Old Barn
Brody J: Am I Shrinking...Or Are Caterpillars Getting Larger??? 🤔🐛
Brody J: Seen While Making a Loop of the Bog~ Soybean Looper Moth (Chrysodeixis includens)
Brody J: On the Bog Menu: Eggs à la Dew!