Nature Through A Lens: Hand feeding the starlings
Nature Through A Lens: Mouse family in the old stone wall
Nature Through A Lens: Wild mouse on the hedgerow
Nature Through A Lens: Wild mice feeding on the daisies in our garden
Nature Through A Lens: Starlings at bath time
Nature Through A Lens: Curlew in the peak district
Nature Through A Lens: Mouse foraging for fallen seeds in the hedgerow
Nature Through A Lens: Mouse in the hedgerow
Nature Through A Lens: The wild mouse family that live in our garden
Nature Through A Lens: Wild Mouse that lives under the decking in our garden
Nature Through A Lens: Wild house mice video
Nature Through A Lens: wild house mouse feeding on blackberries
Nature Through A Lens: Family of wild mice feeding on our early ripening blackberries in our garden
Nature Through A Lens: Wild Mice in our garden feasting on the early ripening blackberries
Nature Through A Lens: "The Three Mousecateers" Three little wild mice in our garden
Nature Through A Lens: Red Deer Stag near Barlow in the peak district
Nature Through A Lens: Long Eared Owl
Nature Through A Lens: Wild Red Deer Stag
Nature Through A Lens: Meadow plant bug (leptopterna dolabrata)
Nature Through A Lens: Colletes species Bee
Nature Through A Lens: Two Hawk Moths resting
Nature Through A Lens: Stonechat (female)