brave one: .....Still just need to finsh that top bit!!!!.....
onekopsky: funky subway
onekopsky: one kopsky
psktear: wildstyle
Reptoid Rex: WALTER BAERISM Acid Flashbacks from the Future 2009
Anarchivist Digital Photography: Graffiti 04192011 005a
Seetwist: JHER Red & Black Alley March 2008
Seetwist: CIA Production Wall - End 2007
Seetwist: CIA Wall Returns - Jher451 - 2009-08-10 at 00-56-47
Seetwist: Baker Alley Fence - Purple Jher - 2009-10-10 at 01-11-42
The $tatus Faction: Lady Liberty dead at age 124
NSUfamily: Sloth
sweet16nine: SLOTH LTS KOG
Notyou_again: SLOTHER
Johnny Savage: Killers of Giants