catgrey68: 9726
catgrey68: Appunti sul mare
catgrey68: Ossessione per il controluce
LuisJiménez: _DSC6432
Giampiero Pagnini: vietnam is rock !
[carlo cravero]: converge_04
Todd | The Dillinger Escape Plan @ the Pageant -- 2008.01.26
Jeff Clow: Armadillo Dees
Haiku Garry: pinhole camera made from a real pumpkin!
pieceoflace photography: Let there be flames...
alspix: Biscuit Tin Pinhole Test
MR38.: San Diego Firefighter - Arms Ablaze with Tattoo
andrea pi: in memoria di un bovaro
°Cisla°: Bovaro#2
Carmen Mazza: punto e croce ( . e + )