Chalkie7: Indifference II
thejourney1972 (South America addicted): Andes Mountains, Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile.
bugman11: cold rose , explored! ( #489 )
TOONMAN_blchin: Bali - Sanur Beach
_FazePhive_: As The Sun Goes Down
McDuck17: Facing the Light
sabrina. G very busy!: sunday creation
Nuno F. Brito: On the Road
wryneck94: Blue Tit
coach48: **SCOGLIO CAREGA**
Ernest t: Pettirosso - European Robin
jose.macedo: Lugre (Carduelis spinus)
JAAnton: El Canto del Agua
Joao Eduardo Figueiredo: Antelope Canyon - Arizona, USA
Daniel Mennerich: Copan HN - Hellroter Ara - Ara macao - Scarlet Macaw 02
Tami Hrycak ッ: Northern Harrier Hunting
B Gilmour.: Rocks in the sea
Thomas Retterath: Sepia Elephant
Tami Hrycak ッ: Bald Eagle Conowingo Dam
Tom Liang: 微笑 @ 大屯山 / Smile @ Datunshan
Tom Liang: 序曲 @五分山 _ Overture @WuFengShan
Tom Liang: 熱情 @五分山 _ Passion @WuFengShan
Tom Liang: 夢幻 @五分山 _ Dream @WuFengShan
Tom Liang: 閃耀 @ 五分山 _ Glaring @ WuFengShan
Tom Liang: 打開藍色大門 @ 蘭嶼 _ Sunrise of Orchid Island
Tom Liang: 再見 の高美濕地 _ Sunset @ Kaomei Wetland