bnikula: ShearwaterFrenzyPtown082017a01
scolopax12: Rough-legged Hawk
Cara Borre: kirtland's warbler 2-11-17
peregrine_falcon_: Northern Shrike carrying Goldfinch
petertrull: Parasitic Jaegers cruising the breakers, Nauset. 10/17/16
tsurfbird: Nelson's Sparrow
tsurfbird: Nelson's Sparrow
AlexLamoreaux: Red-breasted Nuthatch--St Louis Co, MN
AlexLamoreaux: American Redstart--St Louis Co, MN
tsurfbird: Painted Bunting
tsurfbird: Cackling Goose
Larry Scacchetti: Yellow-billed Loon, Race Point, Provincetown, MA 3/1/16
td_schreck - Tim Schreckengost: Snow & Ross's Geese - Gunnison Bend Reservoir, Millard Co, UT - Feb 27, 2016
td_schreck - Tim Schreckengost: Snow & Ross's Geese - Gunnison Bend Reservoir, Millard Co, UT - Feb 27, 2016
td_schreck - Tim Schreckengost: Snow & Ross's Geese - Gunnison Bend Reservoir, Millard Co, UT - Feb 27, 2016
dhmbowen: Spider Monkey
ibird4fun: Limpkin, Crowder Road Landing, Lake Jackson, FL 2/12/2016
tfreiday: watertower_yorklyn_nvf_ruins_2_5_16_6306
The White Collar Twitcher: Tundra Swan Roost
td_schreck - Tim Schreckengost: Savannah NWR--Laurel Hill Wildlife Dr, Jasper Co, SC - Jan 24, 2016
tsurfbird: White-eyed Vireo
tsurfbird: Dickcissel
tsurfbird: Purple Sandpipers
tsurfbird: Black-headed Gull
tsurfbird: Thick-billed Murre
ibird4fun: Cinnamon Teal, Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana, 1/18/2016
td_schreck - Tim Schreckengost: Buff-bellied Hummingbird - stakeout Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Winston-Salem (2015-2016), Forsyth Co, NC - Jan 18, 2016
The White Collar Twitcher: Pine Warbler - My Yard