peregrinus01: Brooks Range
peregrinus01: Brooks Range
peregrinus01: Alaska
peregrinus01: Dalton Highway and Pipeline
peregrinus01: Alaska
peregrinus01: near Arctic Village
peregrinus01: Galbraith Lake
peregrinus01: Brooks Range
peregrinus01: Canning River Delta, Alaska
peregrinus01: Warble Fly
peregrinus01: Caribou
peregrinus01: Pacific Loon
peregrinus01: Peregrine Falcon
peregrinus01: Pacific Loon
peregrinus01: Pacific Loon
peregrinus01: Red-necked Phalarope
peregrinus01: Red-necked Phalarope
peregrinus01: Glaucous x Herring (Nelson's) Gull
peregrinus01: Glaucous Gull
peregrinus01: Canning River Delta, Alaska
peregrinus01: Semipalmated Sandpiper (adult and juvenile)
peregrinus01: Northern Pintail
peregrinus01: Canning River Delta, Alaska
peregrinus01: Pectoral Sandpiper
peregrinus01: Pectoral Sandpiper
peregrinus01: Pectoral Sandpiper
peregrinus01: American Golden-Plovers
peregrinus01: American Golden-Plovers
peregrinus01: Common Eiders
peregrinus01: Lapland Longspur (juvenile)