Dooquie: Layzner
✄------coconut: Los robo-angeles tambien se van de compras..
hypersapiens: P1310287MC - Getter 1!
Godolfin1: super robo panda
brunoporto: Batgirl_1968
Dimas Soeyono: Black Vulcan
schneidah: Black Vulcan
Castles, Capes & Clones: Black Vulcan JLU action figure at the Mattel booth at San Diego Comic-Con International
Castles, Capes & Clones: Apache Chief JLU action figure at the Mattel booth at San Diego Comic-Con International
Castles, Capes & Clones: Samurai JLU action figure at the Mattel booth at San Diego Comic-Con International
Castles, Capes & Clones: Black Vulcan, Apache Chief and Samurai JLU figures at the Mattel booth at San Diego Comic-Con International
nklepper: Comic Con 2009
awalker3423: Olivia Munn Comic Con 2009
kiana301: Fan Art Selene
kiana301: Batgirl
kiana301: Batgirl
ribefex.customs: Incredible finding
ribefex.customs: 21. Third and First Stage Navigators ribefex customs
ribefex.customs: 11. Gurney with Atreides rifle and gun
ribefex.customs: 1. What if... DUNE 2nd LJN assortment
ribefex.customs: 18. The Spirit with accessories
ribefex.customs: 1. Dolan and The Spirit
ribefex.customs: 22. DUNE customs made in 2006
ribefex.customs: 1. Prince Valiant ribefex.customs
Adventures of Tintin: fooling around
Adventures of Tintin: Deadpool and Elektra
DiddyOh: Iceman
istolethetv: wonky batgirl
excalipoor: The Lone Ranger?