AngelVibePhotography: Senegal Thick Knee
Andrew Penney Photography: Riversports OKC
studebakernature: Northern Leopard Frog
johnalvord: American bittersweet
Rob Vaughn (Instagram @robbierambles): Brecksville Prairie - Spiderwort
johnalvord: Coot.
johnalvord: If it itches, scratch it!
Kurt Grenig: Eastern Bluebird
johnalvord: Robin on sumac.
Courtney Kempert: Night Heron
Matt_Addicks13: American Redstart
Cleveland Metroparks: Curious about cucumbers? Wild cucumber can be found throughout the Ohio and Erie Canal Reservation. Though this plant looks like the one you get in grocery stores it is not edible. #clevelandmetroparks #ohioanderiecanal #canalway #centennial #100yrsstrong
Poppy1385: Fox ... On The Move
thom polimeros: face full of flower
llowe1111: Water Lily - Veterans Park
anacm.silva: Pilrito-de-peito-preto / Dunlin
Kai-Ming :-)): Bamboo scaffolding
Matt_Addicks13: Prairie Warbler
AngelVibePhotography: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
Chris..Swan: C. limbalis
Chris..Swan: Blue-faced Meadowhawk Wheel #2
bwiese1: P9030209
bwiese1: P9100196
jtrainphoto: Warner & Swasey Observatory
2ndPeter: Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii)
Matt_Addicks13: Prairie Warbler
Kurt Grenig: Praying Mantis