rustamtahir: stony brook 0179
rustamtahir: stony brook 0231 (bw)
rustamtahir: valley of the gods 34 (web)
rustamtahir: bonny doon 5368
rustamtahir: valley of the gods 4 (7x11 baryta)
rustamtahir: bonny doon 5397 (bw)(5x7)
rustamtahir: across the river 0014 (bw)
rustamtahir: pigeon point 4906
rustamtahir: drake's Bay 4469
rustamtahir: scott creek beach 5502 (bw)
rustamtahir: scott creek 2360
rustamtahir: san gregorio 0605
rustamtahir: rodeo 7314
rustamtahir: rodeo beach 7305
rustamtahir: pigeonpoint 0176
rustamtahir: bonny doon 5325 (bw)
rustamtahir: southern utah 2170
rustamtahir: mendocino 6713
rustamtahir: southern utah 2155
rustamtahir: monument valley 2199
rustamtahir: bonny doon 5339
rustamtahir: riverrun 8186
rustamtahir: steps (AI)bw (6x7 metallic)
rustamtahir: blue iris 2874 DI (5x5)
rustamtahir: beseiged by doubt and fear DI
rustamtahir: ile de la Cite
rustamtahir: gehry 5356
rustamtahir: gehry 5342
rustamtahir: waterwhirl (baryta 13 x 12) ii
rustamtahir: watersong 225f (11x13 metallic)