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tmoll D90
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tmoll D90
Hummingbird A1
tmoll D90
Hummingbird B2
tmoll D90
Hummingbird B1
tmoll D90
Hummingbird A2
tmoll D90
Crater Lake 6
tmoll D90
Crater Lake 5
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Crater Lake 4
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Crater Lake 3
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Crater Lake 2
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Crater Lake 1
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Suicide Leap at Crater Lake
tmoll D90
Elephant Ear
tmoll D90
Elephant Ear Guts
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Red Dinner Plate
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Blue flower with bee
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Bee 1
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Doe and Twin Fawns at Smith Mountain Lake
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Doe Chasing Sailboat at Smith Mountain Lake
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Doe at Smith Mountain Lake
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Evil Eye to the Intruder
tmoll D90
Baby Bluebirds
tmoll D90
Heron in Flight
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Brokeback Boys
tmoll D90
Cloud 9 Dogwood Blossom
tmoll D90
Cloud 9 Dogwood
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Japanese Maple
tmoll D90
tmoll D90
Wisteria Blooms
tmoll D90
Wisteria Stranglehold
tmoll D90
Wisteria vine and Flowers
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