kim stadler: IMG_0704
jacqui sharples: Prayer for Japan
The Upstairs Room: Pair of Vintage Gasoline Pumps
Vivienne Gucwa: Mars Bar Bathroom, East Village, New York City 5
Vivienne Gucwa: Mars Bar Interior, East Village, New York City 107
brambleroots: map mural
Mukhina Ekaterina:
anabel LIA: from Mexico to L'Aquila...
Iva Mora: Wedding in tornado
kim stadler: Liam-3-2 fb
kim stadler: IMG_1110-3 web f
TheOrganicBloom: Snow Macro
Violet Kashi: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
Cristaleria Benissa: Techo de policarbonato.
JRIDLEY1: Dancing Blue Bird!!
Violet Kashi: “Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us”
b_piotrowska: IMG_9780
* Yumi *: big gingko trees
powerpig: O Christmas Tree
urbanshutterbug: 10x10 guest book
casanovaeraa: Papel Picado Pendant-Dia De Muertos
Ekz .: anahuacalli
* Yumi *: cosmos
paperieboutique: mini-accordion decoration
Cynthia I. Rogers: Featured at
Violet Kashi: “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.”
Violet Kashi: Elephant and the City [Explore- Front Page]
Violet Kashi: John Lennon 70th Birthday Tribute