Kevin Keatley1: Badger by the ancient oak
Kevin Keatley1: Eye level with a slow-worm
Finley Japp: Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
neilzoglauer: wedge-tail eagle
mick cooke: afternoon at the falls
mick cooke: lumbsdale falls
Geoff Main: Side glance
0ystercatcher: Australian Pied Oystercatcher
mick cooke: riber castle
neilzoglauer: collett's snake
Kevin Keatley1: Goldfinch ( Carduelis carduelis )
aaardvaark: Surprise!
mick cooke: afternoon-sun
Janette & Jack,on and off: Very large pink lilium
Susan Hall Frazier: The kill (Part 2)
jthommo101: Red-browed
flacko_man: Bee on Lavender
0ystercatcher: New Holland Honeyeater
petefeats: Red-backed Fairy-wren (Male)
Pink Thistle: Small friend
petefeats: Rainbow Bee-eater
Jeff Clow: Quiet at the Oxbow - Vintage
Jeff Clow: The Old West Lives
Geoff Main: Hawk eye
mick cooke: ah breakfast
aaardvaark: Kestrel with mouse 2
aaardvaark: Great Cormorant nest and chicks
mick cooke: great spotted woodpecker
mick cooke: great-tit
mick cooke: robin and blossom