vinay245: The spiders web can bring in lot creative pictures . How about of a necklace of water drops
vinay245: Sometimes a bokeh of flowers can be used for bokeh photography
vinay245: Paraiah kite. Mid Air juggling
vinay245: King Fisher - white throated
vinay245: Fungus ?? Not sure but for an ant , it's like small white tress in the middle of nowhere
vinay245: Fungus ?
vinay245: Lotus , the flower of spirituality , non attachment and beauty.
vinay245: Napa valley. The painting at this part of the world is more beautiful.
vinay245: The beauty is everywhere , to the smallest of the smallest and of the infinte.
vinay245: Udayagiri fort at bhavaneahwar , orrisa . This is the Queen's resting place consisting of natural AC rooms
vinay245: The sun dial .. at suntemple , konark
vinay245: Wall paintings at udayagiri , Puri
vinay245: Almost set for the night to start the show.
vinay245: Sun temple , bhavaneshwar
vinay245: Puri beach, The painter is always busy painting not thinking ... :)
vinay245: Tall , taller and the tallest , does not matter .. for the clouds and the rain , they don't have eyes , all are same .
vinay245: On a sunny day also it rained...
vinay245: View from the place of work. The ORR of Bangalore
vinay245: Blue ND white
vinay245: The patch from sahyadhri ghats at Maharashtra , sapthasrungi
vinay245: The hanumagiri hills currently possessed by Tata Promont
vinay245: The famous temple of Melukote ,cheluva narayana swamy. This temple is famous because of Sri Ramunja Acharya of Sri vaishnva community. He preached vishita advaita.
vinay245: Oriental white eye - picking the sweet fruits of a date palm category . These birds are known for pollinator on a tall flowering trees of ghats
vinay245: The clouds near the place I work, on one of the pre monsoon days.
vinay245: Camaflouge to an insect and to a prey . They are every where on karpooravalli
vinay245: Compound eyes of dragon fly on a close focus . This indeed is hard when the fly is alive , as it takes turn to fly back to the stick . However with the lens being a reflective surface , the sun's light on it's eyes provides the view just enough to focus t
vinay245: Flower of touch me not plant .
vinay245: This a bud of touch me not !!!
vinay245: Anthara gange ..A plant similar to lotus but without a flower . The leaves depict the unattachment to the water drops that reside on it ..
vinay245: Inside the box , there is a source of light , two of them . What is placed in front of them is creating this effect. The concept is in similarity to how the mind is illuminated by conciousness just by a ray of light , according to bhaghwan Ramana mahar