NC birdwatcher:
painted turtle, gateway to the sound visitors center, columbia NC
NC birdwatcher:
shelf fungus on rotting log
NC birdwatcher:
eastern tiger on phlox
NC birdwatcher:
crab spider getting very fat, eating fly
NC birdwatcher:
colubine flower head on
NC birdwatcher:
cactus flower, sb zoo
NC birdwatcher:
marbled godwit, santa barbara west beach
NC birdwatcher:
fly to id, nc arboretum june 2016
NC birdwatcher:
song sparrow, top of pine, nc arboretum, good view of markings
NC birdwatcher:
jumping spider eating fly, phidippus whitmanii vs cardinalis, nc arboretum
NC birdwatcher:
hummingbird moth, snowberry clearwing, dringking from lantana
NC birdwatcher:
hydrangea flowers from side, close up , elizabethan garden
NC birdwatcher:
great spangled fritallary wings wide on lantana
NC birdwatcher:
bumble on milkweed bloom facing camera
NC birdwatcher:
ETS onlantana, lateral, good
NC birdwatcher:
eastern carpenter bee, nectar robbing summer phlox
NC birdwatcher:
yellow necked caterpillar on fothergilla best
NC birdwatcher:
leaf hopper on milkweed 2
NC birdwatcher:
summer tanager female on branch 2
NC birdwatcher:
small bee, to id, on silphium
NC birdwatcher:
marbled orbweaver, ventral side, hillsborough river walk
NC birdwatcher:
tawny emperor on rail at HRW, best
NC birdwatcher:
northern paperwasp on solidago, posing for camera
NC birdwatcher:
northern paperwasp, face on, on goldenrod
NC birdwatcher:
northern paperwasp on golden rod, lateral, close up
NC birdwatcher:
american lady, best, NC arboretum
NC birdwatcher:
fishing spider, D. tenebrosus, bricks of porch wall
NC birdwatcher:
eastern carpenter bee on asters, nc arboretum
NC birdwatcher:
carolina paper wasp on pitcher 4
NC birdwatcher:
carolina paper wasp meets ECB on pitcher plant 1