Lisa Lawley: Common Lizard? Or Wall Lizard? Tasting the Wall :)
Lisa Lawley: Common or Wall Lizard
Lisa Lawley: Slow Worm
Lisa Lawley: Newt from my pond
Lisa Lawley: Newt in my pond
Lisa Lawley: One frog, one Newt sharing a plant
Lisa Lawley: Natterjack Toad
Lisa Lawley: Sand Lizzard basking
Lisa Lawley: Adders yay!
Lisa Lawley: Wall Lizard
Lisa Lawley: Wall Lizard including Tick
Lisa Lawley: Bottoms up!
Lisa Lawley: Smooth Snake
Lisa Lawley: Female Sand Lizard
Lisa Lawley: Slow Worm
Lisa Lawley: Adders 2
Lisa Lawley: Female Sand Lizard Basking
Lisa Lawley: Male Sand Lizard
Lisa Lawley: Male and female Adders
Lisa Lawley: Sand Lizard Mating
Lisa Lawley: Just Popped Up To Say Hello
Lisa Lawley: Baby Frog
Lisa Lawley: One of my Young Newts, for Aisling :)