SteveJM2009: The unexpected treat!
riggy-riggo: Hairy Dragonfly ? ID
Martin Windsor: Pearl Bordered Fritillary
1 other people: the moon in the reeds
sasastro: Who was on the bench 14th May 2014
John Balcombe: White-faced Darter
stu.bloggs..Dont do Sundays: The vista..............must view large ;-)
SteveJM2009: Colour!
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Marsh Fritillary - Euphydryas aurinia
Louise loves wildlife: More than a Mouthfull
Josephine's Photography: Spring in the Park.
Philip Male photography: * Taking the time *
Yogibear44: Young Stonechat
Yogibear44: Pied Flycatcher
Mark Eggleton: Close up crop
edwardbowthorpe: 1-Capture(20)
SteveJM2009: Mangalitza - is it a Peep, or a Shig?
1 other people: eager anticipation
BlackCatzz: Damselfly
riggy-riggo: Dinner time - Jumping Spider
Martin Windsor: Large Red Damselfly
auroradawn61: Bluebell Woods
Levels Nature: Bluebells Woods....
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Long Tailed Tits - Aegithalos caudatus
Martin Windsor: Orange Tip 2
Eddie The Bugman: oOOo J'Adore (crop) oOOo
edwardbowthorpe: 1-Capture(10)Taken Today,04/05/2014