Lisa Lawley: Bournemouth Gardens
Lisa Lawley: "Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower"
Lisa Lawley: Beautiful Blue
Lisa Lawley: Amanita muscaria
Lisa Lawley: And now for something completely different.........almost.....set of 7 ;)
Lisa Lawley: Tubby Tight-Rope~Garden Spider *Set of four*
Lisa Lawley: One...Two...Tree *Three different effects*
Lisa Lawley: Last on the Summer Vine..
Lisa Lawley: Triumph..ant Stag. A Confident Male with his Harem (set of 5)
Lisa Lawley: Cygnet
Lisa Lawley: Almost There...(Cygnet and parent 2 of)
Lisa Lawley: This photo was taken to show a bird in it's natural habitat. Not to be used as some kind of science/religious agenda!
Lisa Lawley: Swoon..... ;)
Lisa Lawley: The problem with backlit shots, is there is always obstacles in the way (3 of)
Lisa Lawley: Sunkissed Chaffinch amongst the Blury BOKEH. Distracting, or Arty?
Lisa Lawley: The Ingrediants For a Perfect Autumnal Stroll. (4 of)
Lisa Lawley: I Swoon Two