Caestus: Mountainous
Caestus: #photoadayapril [Something I am grateful for]: hot friends.
Caestus: Mikhail took this 鬼佬 from the Shower series and made it better
Caestus: FX. #tummytuesday
Caestus: Officer Tubby says hi.
Caestus: Leatherbears
Caestus: Baby Buckett in Daddy's cap.
Caestus: #tummytuesday #science
Caestus: Sunset post shower series xvii
Caestus: I love my husband in a #flattop #freshlyshorn
Caestus: #nofiltre #gpoy
Caestus: #tummyTuesday #red #braces/#suspenders #redcap #canIdothis? #nitzerebbprodukt #behave!
Caestus: That is his #proudface. Silly #ginger.
Caestus: Food porn with Fred.
Caestus: Moustache Rides now available
Caestus: #bearfotoaugust 24. #onmyknees
Caestus: The Cowboy does hiphop.
Caestus: Bears en URBANIA
Caestus: "All is full of love."
Caestus: Merci Jean-Patrice
Caestus: Tee-hee I'm drunk.
Caestus: I don't think I can do #red
Caestus: #grey is takin over. Harder and harder to be my youthful self. Not.
Caestus: We're a lively bunch in the Purdie-Campbell Household.
Caestus: Feelin #red
Caestus: Not easy being green. Meeting went well; bad news by email came later.
Caestus: I cut myself today. #moustache #ftw #horseshoemoustache Perhaps too far? It's a mourning moustache.
Caestus: #datenight #cubswithflatops
Caestus: Hairs undone. #before
Caestus: I found a Luke! I will keep him.