Caestus: I'm ready for my close-up. #freezernightmare #banana? #nofiltre
Caestus: #tbt #throwbackthursday #latewinter becomes #earlyspring #outmywindow #defenstration
Caestus: Annoying things afoot at the #BlackLodge
Caestus: #unacceptable #fuckmicrosoft #microsoft here's some great PR for you. That's okay, I really want to get fired over your server issues. I'm totes fine with that. #sorrynotsorry
Caestus: So I don't have twitter, but friends do. Maybe time to start. #fuckmicrosoft #microsoft #yougotsomesplainingtodo thanks for wasting hours of my time. AGAIN. Time and again your products fail and your tech support blames the user. Nope.
Caestus: Wherein our hero, due to catastrophic machine failure, had to acquire a #newlaptop #thankyou #ASUS #yougotsomesplainingtodo!
Caestus: Terrasse #youredoingitwrong #itsatrap #trippinghazard #ohMontréal
Caestus: #entréeausoussol #ohMontréal #ohstarbucks #concordiauniversity #streetart
Caestus: Remember the Fourth. May the Fourth be with you. #TomBaker #ftw
Caestus: Took Cubett to the vet and got one of his eyes fixed. They had some sweet trucks on the lot. #nissancube #dodgeram #truckporn #cubeporn
Caestus: On the occasion of my sister's 50th (? or whatever), I'm feeling very Saskatchewany: #Huskies #bunnyhug and #Saskatchewan #hardtodraw tshirt. Totes accidental.
Caestus: #Beltane #calledduetorain #blessèdbe
Caestus: The #storm above us looks like a #dragon &/or Japan. Some of the loudest thunder I have heard.
Caestus: BJ: Now with moar #trilobite action. #friendlymuttonchops
Caestus: #Tbt #throwbackthursday #holyrustedmetalbatman #stairporn #nofiltre
Caestus: #Fruitingbodies
Caestus: #throwbackthursday #tbt to that time that I couldn't use tap to pay because I guess the amount was too damn high.
Caestus: #throwbackthursday #tbt #facebookpuberty TL current me, TR first FB pic, 2007; BL first IG pic; BR most recent FB pic. #horseshoemoustache
Caestus: #americafresh #aneweraofclean #notmakingthisup #throwbackthursday #tbt #ohMontréal
Caestus: #setthecontrolsfortheheartofthesun #burningallthethings #火
Caestus: For dinner tonight, the Boss & I made wonton soup #餛飩湯 and pan-fried shrimp-pork #dumplins #豬肉蝦仁 #蝦餃. The steam coming off the pan made this soft-filtered shot.
Caestus: The Cowboy made me a new #chess table. #ftw #mybfisbetterthanyours
Caestus: #throwbackthursday #tbt #bears in #montréal circa #2010
Caestus: Smoked tofu & spicy shiitake & brown rice. Yum.
Caestus: Manu shows off his pipes and ethics. #coolbro #pink #yas
Caestus: The Cowboy made #shwarma. Yum.
Caestus: #Freshhaircut. So some Purdies have minor #clefts in our chins. My father's and elder sister's are more prominent than mine which only seems to appear under the right conditions. Like here! #keepoutofdirectsunlight
Caestus: I want to live in there. Old Ontario manses.
Caestus: #tomyum #squid & #vermicelli #soyum it's tomyum.
Caestus: Lil baby #orchids & #chopsticks