jdesmeules (Blue Cupcake): Valentine's Day Cake
eyescorpion: Shop window, New York
Amitesh Vijay: Antique Bronze Clock
jewelsb78(thefrostedcakencookie): Mr. and Mrs. Snowman
Tortentante: Guardian angel - Schutzengel
The Diary of a Hotel Addict: #3: The Puli Hotel & Spa, Shanghai
Artisan Cakes by e.t.: wedgwood jasperware
Festa do Bolo: A selva do Frederico!!
franjmc: Flower close up
franjmc: Rose close up
nice icing: Vintage summer
jewelsb78(thefrostedcakencookie): Tuesday Toppers: Wallace and Gromit Cupcakes
alana_hodgson: pink table cakes
Rouvelee's Creations: Baby Booties
Klaire with a Cake: Baby Shower Cupcakes
Fields of Cake: Cupcakes for Flower Lover
o´holysweet!: o´rose wedding cake!
sarah288: Caitlin's Christening Cake
two parts sugar: blue flower swirl cake
abbietabbie: ......... and the matching Handbags!
alana_hodgson: Strawberry Shortcake
bassettsfarm: Wedding Cupcakes
Anita Jamal: Chrysanthemum's Tutorial
o´holysweet!: o´wedding!
Artisan Cakes by e.t.: cherry blossom