la.ramsey: upload
la.ramsey: Got my herb seeds we wait! #spring #nogreenthumbhere #herbsarekey
la.ramsey: #clotheyourself #colossians
la.ramsey: More #konmarimethod organizing. I'm gonna be a pro when this is all done
la.ramsey: #onemoment #everychoicematters #bishoptdjakes
la.ramsey: West African Peanut Soup With Chicken c/o @sniequist #yummo Recipe in profile
la.ramsey: My aspen finally has baby leaves! #springtime #aspens
la.ramsey: And yet another... #colorado #bigskies @mesa_verde_country
la.ramsey: May 1st beauty!
la.ramsey: Wow golly gee willickers!! #broncocolors #coloradosunsets @mesa_verde_country
la.ramsey: Beautiful end to a snowy, then blustery day. And patiently waiting for my aspen to get its leaves already. #nofilter #coloradospring #aspens
la.ramsey: #dailybattle #mylifeverse
la.ramsey: #hope #harvest @stevenfurtick
la.ramsey: New shelves for my shoes...and I got rid of about a third of what I had. Nice to have them all where I can see exactly what I have...finally.
la.ramsey: Literally STUDYING these two books to be free of clutter and stuff...and live a much simpler life. #konmari
la.ramsey: Homemade honey-roasted peanut butter for the hubster.
la.ramsey: What??? Been seeing this all over social media as a healthier alternative to regular ice cream. Far less fat and sugar, and twice the protein as regular ice cream...which I figured meant far less flavor. But boy was I wrong!!! It's delicious...and I would
la.ramsey: My day just got a whole lotta better!! #magnoliamarket #wacotexas
la.ramsey: upload
la.ramsey: This is so true. I'm not sure there's anyone I'm in regular contact with who isn't dealing with something that's hard. Ranging from uncomfortable to seemingly insurmountable/practically impossible. . . Life IS hard! The hard comes and goes. It waxes an
la.ramsey: Jammin' Jamaican Pork Chops #sohungry
la.ramsey: Don't give up. Keep going. #getupeight
la.ramsey: upload
la.ramsey: #suntea #sunshine #beauty
la.ramsey: Little thing waiting on shoppers at Walmart. Too stinkin' cute! @eri_grimes thought you'd like this. 💜
la.ramsey: me the feels. Every. Single. Episode!
la.ramsey: Salmon Caesar Salad at Blondie's with @bluesoul1 It was beautiful...delicious!! #highlyrecommend @mesa_verde_country
la.ramsey: upload
la.ramsey: And I turned to the east...and saw this. Unbelievable!!!
la.ramsey: Amazing northern sky tonight. Looks like a watercolor that @camillemoore1 could easily do!