jenni.hamilton: Girl-with-the-red-balloon
phossy_69: First She Art Girl
phossy_69: Mini Canvas She Art Girl
Studio Shirel: original Mixed Media
ladyquiltsalot: She lived a life of grace
HollyLin2011: "the show must go on"
HollyLin2011: "her heart grew thre times that day"
sherrygoodloe: Christmas Tree 2011
dje639: Three Hearts
dje639: Three Friends
JuelM: 01
Heather's Heart & Wings: Art Journal Tree
Heather's Heart & Wings: 3 Hearts journal pg 2
greeneyedcoach: download-4
Studio Shirel: Comme un lundi spécial récup'
me.Junelle: collection of homes
greeneyedcoach: Catherine She Art 2011
bessieheav: artist in you
bessieheav: art journal houses
mardijames: bunny flying
abideinhim: praise with all my heart
abideinhim: guard my heart
abideinhim: heart tree
abideinhim: heart details
abideinhim: seal my heart for you!