alexgoodey: Boycat does flatpack
alexgoodey: Boycat does Thriller
alexgoodey: Boycat in a babygrow
alexgoodey: Boycat patiently getting dressed
alexgoodey: Boycat snuggling with Sarah
alexgoodey: Boycat in a fetching rubgy shirt
alexgoodey: Boycat plays dress-up
alexgoodey: kilimanjaro%20from%20the%20air
alexgoodey: monkey at mnarani club hotel
alexgoodey: another monkey at mnarani club hotel
alexgoodey: abdullah's eldest sister and his nephew
alexgoodey: abdullah's youngest sister
alexgoodey: IMG00185-20100702-1540
alexgoodey: IMG00184-20100702-1539
alexgoodey: punky, nyekundu, scobby
alexgoodey: sheila the kuku
alexgoodey: IMG00178-20100702-1459
alexgoodey: IMG00177-20100702-1458
alexgoodey: white mangroves in kilifi creek, near the boatyard
alexgoodey: sunrise
alexgoodey: abdullahs kittens
alexgoodey: abdullahs leg
alexgoodey: beach boy in dhow
alexgoodey: big claw crabs
alexgoodey: beach scene with mangrove, kilifi creek
alexgoodey: fishing with net
alexgoodey: fishing
alexgoodey: tiny hermit crab on my hand
alexgoodey: shirtliff pump centre centre