knutk007: Dublin - Temple Bar
knutk007: Wood Anemones - Kvitveis
knutk007: Måltrost
knutk007: Springtime
knutk007: Rypestegg - male grouse
knutk007: Fly - flue
knutk007: Little friend
knutk007: Spring friends are back again!
knutk007: Moose
knutk007: Fly and flower
knutk007: So much lovely food - I'm going bananas!
knutk007: No, no, no! You have to go backwards!
knutk007: Morning sunshine
knutk007: May I kiss your hand Mr 007?
knutk007: Monster!
knutk007: Colourful finchship.
knutk007: Springtime - I love it!
knutk007: Close-up prunella modularis - jernspurv
knutk007: Prunella modularis - jernspurv
knutk007: Hey you - don't strike me!!
knutk007: Memory - sunset in Prague.
knutk007: The robin again
knutk007: The first one this spring!
knutk007: Robin
knutk007: Longing for summer!
knutk007: Orkide
knutk007: Crowded!
knutk007: Idiots!
knutk007: "Birdfeeder" - it's not the way you think my friend!
knutk007: Which one am I gonna choose?