Anna Andreea: 45/365
minghir: Cicada
minghir: Through the Mist
minghir: Cicada
Laura Precupanu: Stavropoleos Monastery
fusion-of-horizons: tăt cu apă tulburată, cu limpede niciodată
fusion-of-horizons: stavropoleos
cdnh: Privire spre trecut / Glimpse to the past / Regard au passe
cdnh: Flight (III)
Vlad Axente: Făgăraș Mountains | In the heart of Romania
noridamar: IMG_8231
Shalambaal: Bucureşti
Shalambaal: Biserica Sfântul Spiridon Vechi : details of the porch
Shalambaal: Mănăstirea Stavropoleos : Cloister
violafoto ♫: Bad Wimpfen
Sorinmountains: Dare de lumina
Sorinmountains: Bustul lui Corneliu Coposu
iulian nistea: DSC_3536 BW
fusion-of-horizons: Conacul Bellu
plitch: George Assan funeral monument
iulian nistea: DSC_3542 BW
Sergiu Tudorencu: IMG_9912_HDR_fused
Carpathianland: Radu Vodă former monastery, Bucharest
Carpathianland: Cernica Monastery near Bucharest
Carpathianland: Cernica Forest near Bucharest
Virgil-Daniel RATIU: November Sky
Razvan Antonescu: Gradina Zmeilor #4