natsukiathra: Gold&Black VIII
哞娜麗莎的微妙: 海軍風姊妹裝
toel-uru: Fantagy Girls
TURBOW: Isn't she quite adorable with pouty mouth? XD // Me played around with a long forgotten iPhone app.
Himegyarudoll: Sakura's face-up
喵八哥: IMG_0917
AZURE_TB: swim into the clear green
AZURE_TB: float in the river
AZURE_TB: can't wait
恶灵_A: DZ shoyo
*frezje*: Laura
toel-uru: Fall girl Melty
violetnein: 130614vivian5
久歐淆: P1100263
久歐淆: P1100259
久歐淆: C05
toel-uru: Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel
toel-uru: Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel
騰子: NEX-7+E16/F2.8+VCL-ECF1 in 十三行博物館
toel-uru: Animal Sisters
*frezje*: Laura's new body
*frezje*: Black pearl
N-k-o: Princess Bedroom
N-k-o: Beach- Melany and Aoi 1
toel-uru: New daughter
toel-uru: Saber Extra & Saber Bride
Chocolime84: Texting on the tea table
日奈ﻬ: 20120506 (15)