James Danger Harvey: Who are the Betty Boop fans out there? Working on some new Betty Boop images for official licensing stuffs. Just some line art and cell shading flats right now, colors are place markers and not the final colors to be used.
James Danger Harvey: Batman pants!
James Danger Harvey: She is. Amazing.
James Danger Harvey: My girlfriend says she's often asked "so what's it like being with an artist" -answer...fucking glamorous!
James Danger Harvey: I'm so manly it hurts......
James Danger Harvey: 20 foot long, 8 foot wide, 8 foot high, filled by just James and his trust broom, HERO.
James Danger Harvey: I'm fuckin tactical bitches....
James Danger Harvey: This is how it went down this morning. I got up early and made myself breakfast (fruity pebbles and tap water) so the wife could sleep in. Well she woke up and punked me with a proper love filled meal. I'm just a stupid boy, in love with a smart girl..
James Danger Harvey: I'm early morning high class bitches! Cheese and wine in the morning. #meandmine
James Danger Harvey: Medusa crazy eyes! @onemandreamteam
James Danger Harvey: I found this amusing at the market today
James Danger Harvey: Happy Holliday! Be it truly Satanic or not, we hope everyone feels love today!
James Danger Harvey: Never have I been poorer than I am now, never have I been healthier than I am now, never felt more loved, never been as knowledgeable, or had the level of foresight as I have now. Blessed are us poor folk. For our love is stronger, our understanding is de
James Danger Harvey: Cleaning up old patchwork from previous contractor, gonna be so purdy when done! Learn it all- do it all!
James Danger Harvey: Only the brave make a difference.
James Danger Harvey: Sneaky white ninja says it TIGER FOAM TIME! #bluebirdbus
James Danger Harvey: Because THUG LIFE, that's why.
James Danger Harvey: This is my manhood right now. The wifie had the knife this time. Mr unprepaired I am.. good grief...
James Danger Harvey: I got her to take a bite of bread. #whitepeoplefood
James Danger Harvey: This was a super fun mental exercise
James Danger Harvey: Flag stuff for 9.11
James Danger Harvey: Some flag stuff for 911.