carolefun904: watch out for the girl with the big knife
carolefun904: Uncle Bob and Aunt Ginny
carolefun904: Bri, her cake and my sister's nose
carolefun904: she blew them all out in 1 try. what a windbag!
carolefun904: mmm, DQ cake. she wanted it to say "You're the boss" (?)
carolefun904: Bri's dad, Lynne, Bryan and Brianne
carolefun904: Bri. Bryan and Charlie
carolefun904: Lynne, Jeff and (uck!) me
carolefun904: My sister Lynne and Jeff
carolefun904: let the birthday girl have a beer on her 18th
carolefun904: yep, she's mine. Bri and my BFF Charlie
carolefun904: Bri had a cold, Charlie trying to avoid breathing near her
carolefun904: Brianne's 1st ink
carolefun904: neighor's flowers along my driveway
carolefun904: it's ugly but it grew on me
carolefun904: be raking all that soon. it's about 80 yrs old
carolefun904: told Jeff it had a 2 car garage and he said "take it"
carolefun904: my little bit o' green
carolefun904: Merry Christmas from Jeff & Carole
carolefun904: this color has got to go
carolefun904: the green in the kitchen of my new house
carolefun904: doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door
carolefun904: Bri's back to black
carolefun904: Bob and Donna
carolefun904: Bob Hill
carolefun904: me and Cindy
carolefun904: Ali, I think her name's Melissa (?), Cindy and Earl
carolefun904: woohoo! #30
carolefun904: Dawn, the birthday girl