Faz K PSPJ: Row row row your dragon boats
Faz K PSPJ: side by side
Faz K PSPJ: thanks for the pose boaties
Faz K PSPJ: picture framed
Faz K PSPJ: from the fishing boat
Faz K PSPJ: i say - happy wesak day :)
Faz K PSPJ: live long and prosper
Faz K PSPJ: balloons ahoy
Faz K PSPJ: hello, albert!
Faz K PSPJ: _MG_3779
Faz K PSPJ: _MG_3985
Faz K PSPJ: _MG_3971
Faz K PSPJ: _MG_3933
Faz K PSPJ: IMG_3348
Faz K PSPJ: IMG_3355
Faz K PSPJ: IMG_3240
Faz K PSPJ: IMG_3253
Faz K PSPJ: IMG_3215
Faz K PSPJ: on his scooter
Faz K PSPJ: wheres jack
Faz K PSPJ: summer moon
Faz K PSPJ: live long and be blessed
Faz K PSPJ: beach tents
Faz K PSPJ: is calling belacan fresh a paradox?
Faz K PSPJ: morning sun over Kuala Gula
Faz K PSPJ: old and new, side by side
Faz K PSPJ: sunset in Kuala Gula
Faz K PSPJ: on the way back from sunset boat ride
Faz K PSPJ: Princes of tides: Malaysian shrimping in Kuala Gula
Faz K PSPJ: wood for charcoal