romfey: No pasaran amigo
romfey: Surprise..
romfey: there are picture in it..
romfey: Time to careout....not my bissines
romfey: Sweety..
romfey: I have tones of it...
romfey: I colect all that i see...
romfey: Picture 589
romfey: Dangerous is here for my ege
romfey: Picture 115
romfey: Picture 114
romfey: Picture 066
romfey: Picture 065
romfey: Picture 064
romfey: nice blue....
romfey: big surprise...\found in Bulgaria\
romfey: Picture 101
romfey: i gonna cut my nails one day...promise...
romfey: blue is my fav colore..
romfey: must be gold in it..
romfey: my hammer need reparation...
romfey: garden stone...
romfey: boring is to polish...
romfey: Nice cristals...
romfey: Too heavy for my cart..
romfey: Ametysts lines...
romfey: Picture 328
romfey: Small piece from a big ametist find in my garden..........
romfey: Very rare quartzametist
romfey: Very rare quartzametist.