Chana56: 2009 Happy New Year's
Chana56: The Jewish Bride of Tangier - Eugene Delacroix [1832]
Chana56: Study for "The Death of Sardanapalus" - Eugene Delacroix [1827-28]
Chana56: The Boating Party - Mary Cassatt [1893-94]
Chana56: Femme Cousant (Young Woman Sewing in the Garden) - Mary Cassatt [C. 1880 - 82]
Chana56: Joan Armatrading
Chana56: Garden of Earthly Delights (Ecclesia's paradise) - Hieronymus Bosch
Chana56: Look Away
Chana56: Dante Alighieri Holding A Copy Of His Poem Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy)
Chana56: The Creation of Man (Fragment of the Sistine Chapel ceiling) - Michelangelo [1511-12]
Chana56: Dante Alighieri [C. 1300's]
Chana56: Speechless: The Supressed Feminine
Chana56: Depression
Chana56: Girl with Dove and Flowers
Chana56: Max Schreck (6 September 1879 – 20 February 1936) as Count Orlok in "Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror"
Chana56: Rosie the Riveter
Chana56: Feeling Lonely
Chana56: In the Salon of the Rue des Moulins - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec [C. 1894]
Chana56: Program With Bugs
Chana56: Black & White Cat Sitting On A Door
Chana56: Cat Paw Prints
Chana56: Everything Is Fine - The Incrediable String Band
Chana56: Cleopatra Movie Poster [1934]
Chana56: Elaan of Troyius --- France Nuyen
Chana56: John Lennon
Chana56: The Key - Jackson Pollock [1946]
Chana56: The Beatles
Chana56: Olivier Martinez
Chana56: David and Abraham - Marc Chagall
Chana56: Red Oval - Vassily Kandinsky [1920]