H4Hero: Take my heart
H4Hero: Up close.
H4Hero: December 31st.
H4Hero: True Love.
H4Hero: Up a rung
H4Hero: God is in the wind
H4Hero: The Wise Guru
H4Hero: Huggy time with Tigers
H4Hero: Caught on tape
H4Hero: Dear America
H4Hero: End in Sight
H4Hero: The Captain's Daughter
H4Hero: Loss
H4Hero: Our powers combined!!
H4Hero: Tricks and Truths
H4Hero: A few drinks
H4Hero: Mousing Around
H4Hero: Cuddle time
H4Hero: Power to Change
H4Hero: Monkeying around
H4Hero: Socks
H4Hero: A little vacation
H4Hero: So that was what was in my coffee...
H4Hero: Mousassin's creed
H4Hero: Exam Time
H4Hero: Origin: Platypus
H4Hero: Puppy Hate
H4Hero: New Policy
H4Hero: Mr. Harper's Secret
H4Hero: Why santa?!