Marura: Morning Fog ( Autumn Melancholy I.)
Marura: Pets
Marura: Simplicity of River Navigation
Marura: Perception Shifts
Marura: Preparations II. : Fenders
Marura: Preparations I. : Shopping
Marura: The Morning After
Marura: Sarcelle & Me
Marura: Ottensheim
Marura: Eleonore
Marura: Autumn Fog ( Autumn Melancholy II.)
Marura: Night River
Marura: Early Morning
Marura: Calm Waters
Marura: House With a Reflection of a Sunset In Its Windows.
Marura: Parallel Worlds
Marura: indusrry and nature..again
Marura: IMG_6930
Marura: yellow..well not a submarine , but rather cute boat :-)
Marura: old circus style boats
Marura: punks ;-)
Marura: nicest boat garden once more...
Marura: the nicest boat garden
Marura: the strangest boat..or maybe really a submarine?
Marura: London Canal Locks and new skyscrapers being build on the horisont)
Marura: more boas..and skyscrapers and waterfront houses
Marura: waterfront houses and water surface houses
Marura: sideway shelter
Marura: Islington tunnel...
Marura: IMG_0907