Minifigures Unlimited: Marvel Hydra Medusa Front (Machine Printed and 3D Printed)
Fullsteamchronicles: Jenny Haniver of "Mortal Engines" Detail
Fullsteamchronicles: Jenny Haniver of "Mortal Engines" Detail
enigmabadger: "This IS history!"
Dawn Hero: LEGO BioShock Infinite - Booker Dewitt (outdoor shot)
njgiants73: The Riddler
AdNorrel: Sweet dream in the old garage
cm4sci: BrickHeadz Comp 13: Chicken Suit Guy & Hot Dog Man
randomvector1: Kel Corona
randomvector1: Steam Denizen
Backward Matt: Rǔshǔn-kǎ, a Sarthîon Ship
tkel86: Magnets
LegoKlyph: The Bane, Gotham By Gaslight
LEGO 7: Working Dogs
birgburg: Gold frame
moctown: In nomine patris
moctown: Town Musicians of Bremen
Kris_Kelvin: Ninja Chess
Fullsteamchronicles: USS Shining Light 2
Vince_Toulouse: Polar Transport
Vince_Toulouse: FW-808 Skyraider
Vince_Toulouse: The Mechanic
adde51: TBB Advent calendar contest - steampunk - closeups
Hoang H Dang: The Hoan Kiem Lake temple island.
sjcrocker1: Steam Village
Gav*: Steampunk Spinner
donuts_ftw: Jeweled Movement