Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Short-eared owls
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Eastern Screech Owl
jc-pics: Hawk against a clear blue sky.
antoinebouyer: Chenille
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Red-tailed hawk
Wildlife and Nature Photographer: Shortie pellet extraction
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Morcego-de-ferradura-grande, Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolopus ferrumequinum)
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_5108
Wildlife and Nature Photographer: Red-breasted-sapsucker cleaning house.
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Veado, Red deer (Cervus elaphus)
normanwest4tography: Marsh Fritillary - Euphydryas aurinia
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: I wonder what's on her mind
photosauraus rex: Hummingbird Nest
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Northern parula
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Northern parula
nickinthegarden: Golden-crowned Kinglet
FotoGrazio: "Wake up fellas. I see dinner."
Wildlife and nature - Colombia: Rupornis magnirostris
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Field sparrow
Pianojan: Chipping Sparrow, Bug Remover
robinlamb1: Goldfinch Pair
Wildlife and Nature Photographer: Yellow Crown Sparrow.
antoinebouyer: Papillon
Pianojan: Going to extremes
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Great grey owl perched in a coniferous tree